Tuesday, April 05, 2005

to catch up

yea! blogger's working again! for some reason, my account wouldn't let me log in at all yesterday. I could read other people's blogs and even access my blog but I couldn't log in or post anything new so I guess that means I'll have to post stuff today. well, yesterday went ok. as far as work went, we had a donor pull a needle out of his arm. always fun, let me tell you. I also had an instructor's meeting for tae kwon do (my first one!). guess that means I'm officially an instructor now. at the meeting, I found out that one of the students wrote on the comments section of their test applications taht they wanted to be an instructor like the owner of the school and me (yea ego booster!). that got me to thinking about how the little things we do affect people in ways we would never expect. I guess we're all just interconnected threads in this fabric of life. then I went to OCs to play trivia. I think I won four out of the five games we played. in other news I finally finished my world beer tour yesterday. yup. I will soon have my name on the wall of foam plaque at the OCs in lawrence. on to today's news. we were crazy busy at work today. it was me and another senior technician and a new trainee. between the two and a half of us, we were able to stick 109 donors and over eight new donors (which take a LONG time to stick 'cause we gotsta go over all sorts of rules and how the machine works and things like that) and only had three real errors today (I had another donor accidently pull their needle out again today. I do wish they'd stop doing that.) which is really good. I also had poker night tonight. I lost again but I was doing really well until I went all in on this one hand and the only other guy that was in beat me on the river card. I gotta love it when that happens :( . what else...oh yeah, at work today, I saw an ad for some menstrual cramp medicine (I think it was Midol). it was at this point that I realize that it is probably unethical for these medicine companies to be airing these ads. I mean, I can't possible see how these ads are helping to improve the quality of life for anybody. if anything else, I think it is hurting the quality of life 'cause you have people seeing these ads for medication and then incorrectly self-diagnosing themselves. they then take these medications which cause side-effects which 'cause them to take more medication which helps these drug companies which only encourages them to put out more tv ads. remember the good ol' days when medication was prescribed by doctors and not by the tv? lets go back to those days, shall we? on another side note, the weather outside today was just gorgeous. it was cloudy most of the day but it was also just slightly breezy enough that it felt really good just being outside. well, I go now. sleep beckons me.

1 comment:

Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Actually in the good old days you didn't need a doctor... you'd just go pick up your opium or morphine from the drug man (all self-diagnosed) and then you'd be addicted and die of an overdose. Ah the good old days. :) Midol is over the counter (so can't be too dangerous) all though my dad told me to never take it. :) The prescription drugs are pretty crazy on tv though.