Friday, April 29, 2005

next blog please

well, sometimes I get bored and actually use the next blog button at the top right of my screen because I consider myself fairly civilized and being a civilized man, I like the read about what other people think. this is where this entry becomes a rant. I have no problem with blogs filled with other people's thoughts and emotions. I enjoy reading them. what I do find annoying is those blogs that are in reality just ads. unfortuanately, I seem to be landing on one of these ad blogs about 50 percent of the time so there are plenty out there. all these blogs do is discourage me from pressing the next blog button again. so here and now, I am starting my crusade against these ad blogs. everytime I land on one, I will be leaving a comment stating that I will not buy that product or use that product. I urge everyone to do the same. maybe if we get enough people doing this, the companies will delete the blogs, making the blogosphere safe for real blogs everywhere and the expression of original ideas.

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