Thursday, April 14, 2005

so much to rant about, so little time...

well, work went all right. the only problem is that the nurse that was supposed to help us close never went out to the donor floor. she just stayed in her office the whole time. a lot of people are getting really annoyed at her. I know that at least one of the other nurses is and most of the phlebotomists on the donor floor are. she just doesn't seem to be competent at her job and seems to have a pretty bad work ethic. I've also noticed that the days that we are really backed up on the donor floor are the ones that she's working. I think it's because she takes so long to do the physicals which slows everyone else down and then on the rare occasions she shows up on the floor to help close she complains about staying late. I have been there for over a year now and have NEVER had problems with donors backing up until she was hired. she's even gotten one of our newer phlebotomists irritated. she (the new phlebotomist) is pretty much happy-go-lucky and always has a smile on her face but she was pretty irritated at the nurse tonight for not showing up. I didn't think that it was right that she had to close by herself so I stayed and helped her close which meant that I didn't get home till after 7:30.

after work, I was pretty worn out so I decided I needed to spoil myself a little bit and for some reason steak sounded good for dinner so I stopped by Dillons and bought steak. then I thought a nice glass of almaretto coke would be relaxing so I stopped by Cork and Barrel and got almaretto. on the way back to my place, I saw that gas was down to only 2.19 a gallon so I just had to fill my tank up. so now here I am enjoying my steak and almaretto coke and listening to some relaxing music. plans for the rest of the night? read ahead in my scuba book, drink more almaretto coke, possibly do some logic puzzles if I feel motivated.

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