Thursday, June 16, 2005

two firsts

well, two firsts happened at work today. first off, I did my first sample today up in processing. it's a little bit different from taking samples on the donor floor in that I have to use a tourniquet to palpatate the vein instead of using a cuff and the needle for samples up front is smaller. the second first I did today was that I did my first finger stick today. we have to do them to get the hematocrit and protein level from the donor. we had to do it today 'cause the doctor that does the monthly evaluations came by today so I basically got a crash course in finger sticks. the doctor that did the evaluation was pretty nice. his name was dr. hughes (sp?) and he was really cool about it. apperently, he's a lot more friendly than the other doctor that usually does the evals. anwyays, I got his approval to continue doing finger sticks so I can continue with my training in reception. well, I'm off to go enjoy the night. andrea's supposed to be here any minute now. we're gonna have dinner and watch Hitch with Will Smith in it. sounds pretty relaxing.

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