Wednesday, March 23, 2005

right now

well, work was stupid crazy yesterday. we were slow until three so they sent the most experienced phlebotomist home which left me in charge. that was about the time that every body decided to come in and donate. on to good news though. shannon, nicole, and chelle made it to lawrence safely. we spent most of the night playing mario party, katamari, risk, and grand theft auto (not in that order). we also had mmm..mmm..delish fruit salad and equally mmm...mmm..delish pizza from DiGiorno (it's not delivery).

on to today. I'm up right now and everyone else is asleep so I'm messing on the computer and catching up on blogs. one of the blogs (frivolity)I read fairly frequently had a link to this site conceptis and now I'm addicted. it's basically logica puzzles (which I love) that form pictures when solved. check it out of if you have a minute to spare (or five... or ten... or three hours...).

1 comment:

gem said...

I apologize for any productive hours lost as a result of visiting that website!'s so...addictive...