Sunday, March 20, 2005

I hate dancing!

I hate dancing with a passion. it's a lot of clusmy movements and a great expenditure of energy and you don't really accomplish anything. now I can see doing this way in the past when our ancestors had to dance as a mating ritual or whatever but nowadays I really see no need for it. I don't mind the slow dances or the swing dances. it's just the other ones where all people are really doing are swaying their bodies and waving their arms or whatever that I'm annoyed with. that being said, I did go to a dance yesterday and I made a couple of observations. these are just general comments and don't apply in all situations.

1. girls dance better than guys. take a look at any girl on the dance floor. as a generalization, that girl will be graceful and moving in beat to the music. take a look at any guy on the dance floor. he appears clumsy and is just moving his body until his misery is ended by the ending of the song.

2. girls dance with their whole bodies, guys don't. when girls dance, their whole bodies move. arms, hips, legs. everything. when guys dance, they keep their upper torso stationary. they may sway their arms and move their feet but generally, they'll keep their torso still.

3. girls just want to dance. girls will dance alone, with a guy, or even with another girl. guys may dance alone or with another girl. you will almost never see a guy dancing with another guy.


Ookami Snow said...

On a related note: Michelle made varsity dance team at GCHS.

So the girls just want to dance theory is upheld.

Anonymous said...

Girls peers are individuals (personal relationships), guys peers are community (detatched, but that is where the focus is). Asking a guy to 'expose' himself in a public setting isn't likely to happen. It takes a very confident man to spontaneously dance. Guys are also much more insecure with a date. So says my education. lol

Going someplace that has dancing is a terrifing experience, from what I recall. ^.^
