Tuesday, August 02, 2005

another update

finished painting both of my chariots today. right now I'm working on my archers (the last high elves stuff I will have to paint). once I finish them, I think my army will be a little over 2500 points (2509 to be exact). after I'm done with the high elves, I'll be studying for the MCAT (Aug 20) so I probably won't be doing too much else until then. on the bright side, after Aug 20 sometime, I think shannon and the other manhattanites are gonna have a HUGE warhammer battle (3000+ points per side) so that should be fun. I'm considering that my reward for surviving the test. and after that? why, my ogre army, of course! well, it's late and I open tomorrow so I'm off to bed. I probably won't be doing anything 'sides working, finishing painting, and studying for the next couple of days so I may or I may not be posting for awhile.

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