Wednesday, August 31, 2005

quizno's : the subway alternative

well, for dinner I had quizno's. it was actually pretty good. if you haven't had the black angus before, I highly recommend it especially if you like sweet toasted stuff. as for the rest of the day, it's been hectic. woke up at 6:30 to bring my car into get fixed. painted until 8:45. walked to work. work sucked as always because we had stuff malfunction and were short-staffed again. on the bright side, we get some new people next week. all we have to do is survive this off work at 5:30. hitched a ride from my sister to teach my two classes. hitched another ride to pick up the car. it wound up costing me $160 to get my headlights fixed and a couple of other taillights. got quizno's. ate a little bit. people came over for poker night. that brings me to now. and now I go relax...or sleep...

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