Monday, August 15, 2005

it's a sucky day after all

well, as you can tell by the title, I've been having a great day today *sarcasm*. to start off, one of the guys in back called in sick so we're short on staff...again. then top that off with a CCL (concentrated cell loss). CCLs are bad enough but what makes this worse is that it's their second one in 56 days so they can't donate for another 56 days. then while that was happening, one of the nurses had to be trained on documenting CCLS (which takes a LONGGGG time to do) so that pulled both the nurse and the only other phlebotemist on the floor away from sticks and everything else so that left me doing basically everything for the 15 minutes or so it took to get the documentation done. then, throw in rain/mist and you've got a pretty miserable day. well, the rain/mist is all right. I kinda like it but it enhances the suckiness-mood of the day as well.

on to other news, I'm giving my two end tables away to a friend of mine so I now have more room in the living room which I took to mean that I need to reorganize my furniture so that's what I did yesterday. I pretty much just moved things back to where they were the last time I rearranged stuff. it just looks so much more spacious since there's a direct path from the door to the bed room now. yesterday was pretty relaxing as well. I spent yesterday reorganizing furniture (as mentioned above), playing two games of madden football, starting to paint my pirate ogre maneater, reading "Life of Pi" and drinking a glass of wine (Beringer White Zinfidel...the best wine EVER...well, real wine, I'm not counting arbor mist or wine coolers).

well, off to rest a little bit before heading back to work.

1 comment:

Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

I'm reading Life of Pi!! :)