Friday, July 08, 2005

so far...

well, it's been a busy day. work was really hectic, 'specially towards 5:00 PM-ish. we just had a lot of donors come in and by that time, we had already sent a lot of people home because it had been slow. by the time I got home, I was exhausted so I figured I'd do something kinda fun. I spent about four hours or so working on my spearmen. they're almost done. right now, I'm waiting for their bows to dry on. once that is done, I can glue them to their bases, add a little texture and then I'll be done. yea! my goal is to get my silver helms and archers done by monday but I seriously doubt that that will get done. tomorrow, I'm going with some friends to a fancy restaraunt and then we're going to go see a movie (as thanks from a group for helping out at their dance a couple of months ago) and then on sunday, I'm supposed to be going to a dinner theatre with andrea and her mom and sister so very little painting time in there. anyways, while I was waiting for the bows to dry, I've been cleaning (no small feat considering I have warhammer stuff all over the place and luggage, hockey equipment, tae kown do stuff, and scuba stuff strewn all over the place). well, I think I'll clean a little more before I go glue to spearmen to their bases (I would post pictures but my camera doesn't seem to like close-ups for some reason. they get really blurry).


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Mike's parents are going to the dinner theater this weekend! I can't remember if they are going on Sunday but you should look for them just in case. :)

The Math Ninja said...

Does your camera have a marco setting? It usually looks like a little flower.