Thursday, September 01, 2005

prone to violence

well, everyone else is talking about the hurricane so I thought I would too. while watching the news this morning, I found out that some asshole (I don't normally use words like this but I think 'asshole' is the best way to describe this individual) fired shots at a rescue chopper. so now, instead of evacuating people and helping those that are injured, like they're supposed to, rescue personel are staying back and trying not to get shot. my solution? everyone in Louisiana track down this idiot that fired the shots and just lynch him. you're already tired, testy and proned to violence so you might as well take it out on someone who deserves it. my advice to trigger-boy? run, asshole, run. problem solved. in all honesty though, I say to you, good readers, keep the people in Louisiana in your prayers and do whatever you can to help them.


The Math Ninja said...

Yeah, I heard about that. Super-lame. What would he be thinking? I was POed.

Anonymous said...

I think they should pass a law that states any criminal activity within an area classified under 'state of emergency' should be shot on sight. But then again, I'm not what you would call the passionate type.
