Sunday, September 04, 2005

I watch butts

after church today, I decided I should go to target and get some stuff. as I was walking in, I noticed this guy walking with his girlfriend and for some reason, how they walked caught my eye. when the girl walked, her hips moved from side to side but when the guy walked, his hips "bounced" (moved up and down). also, as I was driving home, with my window rolled down and hand resting out the window, I noticed that there were a lot of other people that had their windows rolled down. one interesting thing did caught my eye though. although the percentage of people that had their window down was fairly even for each gender, I noticed that guys tend to stick their whole hand/arm outside the window whereas chicks tend to leave only their elbows resting on the window. my theory on the reason for this is that sticking your whole arm outside the window shows more confidence, a trait more often associated with guys, because of the possible dangers entailed in doing so (getting your arm ripped off by a passing semi, etc.). whereas sticking your elbow out the window is a little bit more of a safer way to go. just a theory though. let me know if you have any thoughts as to why either of my observations occur.

on to less stalker-ish news, I went to see Brothers Grimm yesterday. it was...different. I'm still not really sure if I liked it or am indifferent to it. I think that part of the problem is that there are scenes where you can't really understand what the actors are saying due to them either mumbling or background noises covering them up. I do have to give the movie credit for having probably one of the best lines I've heard in awhile though: "It's not magic! It's just shiny!" plans for the rest of the day? relaxing, chillin', resting. not necessarily in that order.


Blessum Yellowstone Trip said...

Part of the "non-social" reason that girls swing their hips is because thier hips are wider set than boys, which forces their legs inward. When they walk, the inward set of their legs makes their hips sway.

As far as arms out the window... I like to put my whole arm out the window. Also I wonder if the girls keep their arms in so that they keep both hands on the wheel. We are supposedly better drivers you know. :)

The Math Ninja said...

I could just be (the arm thing) that guys are taller than girls (generally) and it isn't as easy (or comfortable) to put your whole arm out the window when your shorter.