Wednesday, October 25, 2006

what've I been up to?

well, the answer to that question is threefold. numero uno: work. numero dos: first responder class. numero tres: sleeping. rinse, lather, repeat, add fooding in there at some point and you have my life the past three days. oh yeah, and battling a cold. the first responder class has been lots of fun. you get to learn medical stuff and you get to work with mannequins. the second day of class (yesterday), we learned about how blood circulates from the heart to the rest of the body (we spent a week on that in biology). that's how quick-paced the class is. I'm about nine chapters behind on my reading now but when your days consist of working 8-5 and then driving from 5-6:30 and then class from 6:30 to 10:00 and then driving from 10:00 to 10:45 to get home and then being in bed by 11:30, that doesn't leave much room for reading or much of anything else especially if you want to have dinner at 10:45-ish. it's been fun though. I'm glad I don't have class again till monday though. it'll give me time to catch up on my reading. what's even better is that I have friday, saturday, and sunday off from work so I might actually get ahead on my reading. so, quick recap of how my week goes: monday through wednesday: work, drive, class, drive, dinner. thursday through saturday: work, read, read, read. sunday: work, read, marriage prep class. so yeah, I've been busy. off I go to bed so I can wake up early enough to hopefully get a spot in the EMT class for next semester. they go fast and the first day of open enrollment is tomorrow at 8:00 AM. over half of the EMT class is already filled up so we'll see...

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