Monday, July 31, 2006

I think window blinds hates yahoo

here's the story. I downloaded window blinds a couple of days ago. since then, everytime I pull up yahoo and click on the status button and then run the mouse over the yahoo icon in the icon tray, yahoo closes. here's the kicker. if I use the pull down window instead and change my status that way, yahoo works just fine. if anyone has any ideas on how to remedy this, let me know. oh yeah, I'm using the ATT Yahoo Messenger with voice thing if that makes any difference. on another note, tomorrow's my first day off in about seven days. what'm I plannin' on doing (doesn't "what'm" look strange...? but I digress...)? well, I'm plannin' on spending the night painting some pirate zombies and if I finish them off, I may start my box of normal zombies. sounds fun, ne? if I feel really ambitious, I may make tea. yeah...I like days off... on another note, Pickle's and my brother's birthdays were on the 25th so if you guys are reading this, happy belated birthday!

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