Saturday, June 23, 2007


here are a couple of pics from our honeymoon. I would've had more but my batteries ran out so I only got about fifty or so pics in total. andrea has a lot more. if you want to see more pics, you can check out my facebook page.

I just had to put this picture up. in case you're wondering, yes, that is a goat crossing the street and yes we are passing a car in the right hand lane (they drive on the left hand side because they're technically british)

just a fun scene from one of the restaurants we ate at

andrea and I at the italian restaraunt. it was one of the nicer restaraunts so we had to dress up. dress up meant long pants and a shirt with a collar for guys.

andrea and I on our tour of the island. the peak in the background is one of the pitons. there are two of them. that's what the island is best known for (the twin pitons). that and the saying "no pressure no problem". there's a volcano on the island so there's constantly steam coming up. as long as you see the steam, you know that pressure isn't building up and you need pressure for an eruption so "no pressure, no problem".

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